Can the whole family win?
When the time comes for you to depart your homestead to travel on business your heart will beat to the family buzz of guilt while your mind will remind you of the importance of your career. Here are a few tips to help you and your family cope with the anxiety of being apart.
1. TECHNOLOGY - Make the most of it, use mobile internet, text messaging, e-mail or skype to keep connected.
2. RELATIVES - Ask grandparents to come by and visit and lend a helping hand to your partner while giving kids some added excitement. There is nothing like a good night hug from Grandma when mom’s away.
3. COMMUNICATION - Write a letter for each day you will be away to your children, include cards, gifts or any special trinkets of delight. Don’t forget your partner, leave a love note under his/her pillow. These acts will serve as I love you reminders.
4. POSTAL SERVICE – Mail, this old time technique still works. Mail postcards from your trip. Kids love checking the mail box and receiving mail especially from Mom.
5. MEALTIME - Food is where the heart is. Prepare in advance several of your family’s favorite meals. This makes for an easy mealtime preparation for your spouse while enticing kids to eat their dinner.
Planning and organizing your household prior to departing on your trip ensures that things run smoothly while you are away and gives you an added sense of confidence and less guilt.
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